The company T. MAVRIDIS P.C.C. has successfully executed a series of specialized, demanding projects at the DEI S.A. lignite SES Kardia and SES Agios Dimitrios in Kozani. Quality assurance and compliance with health and safety regulations is always our main priority.
Since 1988, the company has undertaken and completed more than 75 specialized projects with high technical standards and a combined budget of 12,663,753 €. The projects were executed under various contracts awarded by DEI S.A. Today, they operate successfully.
Boiler – Steam Generator Maintenance and Repairs
In brief, the works include:
Cleaning of pipe walls inside the boilers
Cleaning of pipe walls inside the boilers from the inclines at the level of the ash basin up to a height of +39 meters
Maintenance of burner refractory structure
Maintenance of furnace refractory structure that involves removing eroded fireproof sections and reinstalling fireproof lining
Maintenance of burner assemblies
Maintenance and cleaning interventions on burner assemblies and replacement of eroded fireproof burner pipes (projections)
Maintenance of superheating and reheating burner pipes
Using compressed air and percussion procedures, cleaning of hard deposits inside the superheating and reheating burner pipes at different levels
Maintenance of ash basins
Cleaning and repair of ash basins
Lignite Mills – Fuel Supply
Resurfacing of lignite mills and recirculation system
The works pertain to the main section of the mills, the bogie, and interventions to restore functionality to the mills’ discharge and recirculation lines. They include the removal and replacement of eroded metal linings and rim edges. Repairs on the axle and guide vanes (dumper) in the mills’ recirculation.
Interventions in the lignite supply pipelines
Maintenance and repair of the functionality of the lignite supply mills. It includes the installation of re-rubbered metal sheets from the roof of the mills to the boiler burners.
Maintenance of strong and weak supply boiler burners
Includes maintenance works on the strong and weak supply boiler burners and restoring functionality.
Resurfacing of lignite mill rotors – Re-rubbering
Replacement of eroded rotor shield plates, replacement of border rim, re-rubbering with special hard electrodes, balancing.
Ash management and removal systems
Ash management and removal systems
Air pre-heater (LUVO) repair and maintenance works
Removal of Old Circular Segments
The scope includes opening the slot at the top of the air pre-heater shell, unscrewing the old segments, grinding down the welding attaching the segments to the side walls of the iron structure, suspending and transporting the segments, and installing them in the air pre-heater.
Repair of Sealing System – Gap Settings
This involves removing worn sections of sheet metal (sealants) and replacing them with new ones. At the same time, the worn teeth on both ends of the LUVO (hot and cold) were replaced, as well as the plates for the already existing teeth. The axial and radial gaps on both LUVO were regulated, after their gears were repaired.
Projects at lignite steam-electricity power stations
Combined project budget