Lignite Mines

The company TH, MAVRIDIS P.C.C. has undertaken and successfully carried out a series of specialized projects of high requirements in the field of lignite mining industry in Greece. The employer is mainly DEI S.A. The projects are located in the mines of Amyntaio, Kardia and Kyriou Pedou at the Lignite Center of Ptolemaida Amyntaio.

From 1988 until today we have undertaken the implementation of more than 9 specialized projects of high technical requirements with a total budget of € 3,594,306 in the industrial sector of lignite mining. The projects were implemented to meet the operational needs of DEI S.A. Today they operate with absolute success.

In brief, the works include:

Maintenance, repairs, improvements of excavators and repositories

Maintenance, repairs, improvements of excavators and repositories of mines of Kardia, Amyntaio and Kyrios Pedou in the context of the scheduled weekly and daily maintenance of the mines.

Maintenance, repairs, improvements of conveyor belts

Maintenance, repairs, improvements of the kardia, Amyntaio and Main Field conveyor belts in the context of the scheduled weekly and daily maintenance of the mines.

General cleaning works for the mines of Amyntaio, Kardia and Kyri pedou of DEI S.A. at the Lignite Center of Ptolemaida – Amyntaio.


Projects in the lignite mining industry


Combined project budget